Viking Fiber Company

Meet the Maker - Kyle of Viking Fiber Company


Saturday, May 11th, 10 - 2 at least.

Open to all - no RSVP needed.

Meet the Maker the Saturday at Maker+Stitch. Kyle, who is Viking Fiber Company, will be with us in the shop hanging out, knitting, and chatting! He’s bringing a new bunch of yarn we ordered too, so come on in and find his beautiful, Colorado hand-dyed wool for your next project.
Kyle has a special appreciation for Edwards, having lived here for over 10 years. Now he’s on the front range dying yarn with gorgeous colorways, but still loves making a visit to recreate (and knit!!) in our beautiful mountains. Come say hi and hear more about his favorite things.
This Saturday from 10-2 at least. Open to all, no RSVP needed.