Knit Along

ITO Kinu Knit-a-Long


Thursdays March 20th - April 24th from 3 - 5pm.

Join us to knit any project with Ito Kinu yarn! We love this lace weight silk yarn in such beautiful spring colors. Valerie has chosen to knit the Big in Japan top holding Kinu with Ito Kin Gin. Liza is knitting the Susukaze holding Kinu with Ito Sensai . Find many pattern ideas here (where we found ours), then come work with us to find your Kinu yarn. Please join us! The only requirement is that you purchase your yarn from Maker+Stitch. Come in or tap the links above to choose and shop for your colors.

We hope you knit with us!

ITO Kinu is a 100% silk noil yarn, also called organic silk. It is produced from the leftovers of spun filament silk. Differently colored fibers are blended for this silk noil yarn, to produce a melange effect. Kinu is an all-purpose silk yarn - for casual as well as for elegant garments and accessories. Knit it single or multistranded. 

Single stranded: US 0 - 2 / 2- 3 mm. Double stranded: US 4 - 7 / 3.5 - 4.5 mm

Each spool has a generous 464 yards.

Thursdays March 20th - April 24th from 3 - 5pm.

Join us to knit any project with Ito Kinu yarn! We love this lace weight silk yarn in such beautiful spring colors. Valerie has chosen to knit the Big in Japan top holding Kinu with Ito Kin Gin. Liza is knitting the Susukaze holding Kinu with Ito Sensai . Find many pattern ideas here (where we found ours), then come work with us to find your Kinu yarn. Please join us! The only requirement is that you purchase your yarn from Maker+Stitch. Come in or tap the links above to choose and shop for your colors.

We hope you knit with us!

ITO Kinu is a 100% silk noil yarn, also called organic silk. It is produced from the leftovers of spun filament silk. Differently colored fibers are blended for this silk noil yarn, to produce a melange effect. Kinu is an all-purpose silk yarn - for casual as well as for elegant garments and accessories. Knit it single or multistranded. 

Single stranded: US 0 - 2 / 2- 3 mm. Double stranded: US 4 - 7 / 3.5 - 4.5 mm

Each spool has a generous 464 yards.

Thursdays March 20th - April 24th from 3 - 5pm.

Join us to knit any project with Ito Kinu yarn! We love this lace weight silk yarn in such beautiful spring colors. Valerie has chosen to knit the Big in Japan top holding Kinu with Ito Kin Gin. Liza is knitting the Susukaze holding Kinu with Ito Sensai . Find many pattern ideas here (where we found ours), then come work with us to find your Kinu yarn. Please join us! The only requirement is that you purchase your yarn from Maker+Stitch. Come in or tap the links above to choose and shop for your colors.

We hope you knit with us!

ITO Kinu is a 100% silk noil yarn, also called organic silk. It is produced from the leftovers of spun filament silk. Differently colored fibers are blended for this silk noil yarn, to produce a melange effect. Kinu is an all-purpose silk yarn - for casual as well as for elegant garments and accessories. Knit it single or multistranded. 

Single stranded: US 0 - 2 / 2- 3 mm. Double stranded: US 4 - 7 / 3.5 - 4.5 mm

Each spool has a generous 464 yards.